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Promise rings

The Promise Rings is a scary
and sad love story about a boy
and a girl who were deeply in
love. The boy buys his
girlfriend a ring and promises
that they will be together forever.

There was a boy and a girl
who were truly, madly, deeply
in love. The boy was 17 and
the girl was 16. Their parents
told them they were too
young to have such an in intense relationship, but the
teenage couple wouldn’t
listen. They wanted to be
together forever.

One day, the girl received a
text message from her
boyfriend. It read: “Helo babe.
Come over to my house after
school. I’ve got a surprise for

That evening, the girl ran to
her boyfriend’s house with a
beaming smile on her face.
When she arrived at his door,
he was waiting for her. He
took her in his arms and kissed her tenderly on the
lips. Then, he took something
out of his pocket and handed
it to her. It was a small box.

The girl opened the box and
when she saw what was
inside, her eyes grew wide
with surprise and her heart
started racing. It was a
promise ring. The ring was made of gold and was set
with a gleaming gem.

“It’s a symbol of my love for
you,” said the boy. “I bought
one for myself too. It means
that we will always be
together. Nothing can
separate us. No matter what happens, I will always be
right there by your side.”

The girl didn’t know what to
say. She was so overcome
with emotion that she
couldn’t speak. She put the
ring on her finger and hugged
her boyfriend tightly, never wanting to let him go. That
day would be etched in their
memories forever and
wherever they went, the boy
and the girl would always be
wearing their rings.

A few weeks later, during the
summer holidays, the young
couple decided to go on a
camping trip together. When
they arrived at the camp site,
they parked their car and found a nice spot near the
lake. They pitched their tent
and unpacked their things.
Then, they built a fire.

When everything was ready,
they sat down together by the
lake and held hands, kissing
and hugging occasionally and
whispering tender words of
love in each other’s ears. They were happy just to be able to
spend time together.

Gradually, it grew darker and,
as night fell, they lay in the
grass, gazing up at the stars.
Eventually, it was time to go
to sleep. The young couple
went back to their tent and unrolled their sleeping bags.

Just as they were about to
turn in for the night, the girl
remembered that she had
forgotten her cell phone. She
told her boyfriend she was
going back to the car to fetch it. The boy nodded and the
girl walked off in the
direction of the parking lot
and disappeared into the

10 minutes passed and she
still had not returned. The boy
began to get concerned.
When 20 minutes passed
without any sign of her, he
became really worried. After 30 minutes, he decided to go
and see what was going on.

As he walked towards the
car, something caught his
attention. In the distance, he
saw something glittering in
the trees. When he reached
the car, his girlfriend was nowhere to be seen.

He decided to call her phone.
It rang and rang, but she
didn’t answer. Somewhere in
the distance, he could hear
the faint sound of her phone
ringing. At this point, he was frantic with worry.

He saw something glittering
in the trees again, so he
started walking in that
direction. He made his way
through the darkness, calling
his girlfriend’s name, but there was no response. It was
pitch black and he couldn’t

He kept walking through the
forest until he heard
something close by. It
sounded like the snap of
twigs being crushed
underfoot. Then he heard another noise. A low,
creaking sound. He felt a drop
fall on his face. Thinking it
was starting to rain, he
looked up.

Just then, the moon came out
from behind the clouds and in
the dim moonlight, he saw
something dangling right in
front of his face. It was a
hand… A hand with a promise ring on the finger.

He looked up and gasped in

The decapitated body of his
girlfriend was hanging from
the tree above him, swaying
softly back and forth and
dripping blood on the ground.
The boy let out an anguished

He heard the sound of twigs
snapping behind him. Quickly
turning around, he saw a
strange man standing there
in the moonlight. The boy was
so terrified, he didn’t know what to do. The man grinned and held
something up. It was the
girl’s severed head. Her eyes
and lips had been sewn shut. “No!” the boy cried. “No! No!
No!” The man tossed the severed
head away and took out a
machete. The blade was long
and sharp and it glinted in
the moonlight. He
approached the boy, raised the machete above his head. With one swipe, the blade cut
through the boy’s neck and
before he could utter another
word, his head was rolling
across the forest floor.

He heard the sound of twigs
snapping behind him. Quickly
turning around, he saw a
strange man standing there
in the moonlight. The boy was
so terrified, he didn’t know what to do. The man grinned and held
something up. It was the
girl’s severed head. Her eyes
and lips had been sewn shut. “No!” the boy cried. “No! No!
No!” The man tossed the severed
head away and took out a
machete. The blade was long
and sharp and it glinted in
the moonlight. He
approached the boy, raised the machete above his head. With one swipe, the blade cut
through the boy’s neck and
before he could utter another
word, his head was rolling
across the forest floor.

The next morning, there were
two headless bodies in the
forest, hanging side by side,
both wearing promise rings…
But their severed heads were
nowhere to be found…

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